Dying Ex-CIA Worker Comes Forward About Area 51 & Aliens

At an undisclosed location, with Richard Dolans. My gut feeling is this guy is telling the truth, I mean it REALLY seems like he isn’t making this up. I mean come on, he’s on his deathbed.


  1. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    the reason why the government is still not saying that aliens are real is
    because everyday people around the world are reporting sightings of UFO’s
    and the government cant stop them from coming into our planet. They cant
    stop them and if they tell the public people would freak out. abductions
    are happening and the government cant stop it

  2. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    Yes , there real ! There called fallen angels and u can read about them in
    Ezekiel !

  3. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    So they travelled at lightspeed to get here using an anti gravity engine,
    achieving speeds of over 300,000kps (which at that rate would take decades
    of travel for even our closest potential Milky Way neighbours) just to drop
    in for a coffee and a chat, or a “please help us” request. Hmmm. Sometimes
    I think people WANT to believe instead of considering reality. Yes, there’s
    bound to be life elsewhere in the multiverse. But visiting other galaxies,
    even at the speed of light still takes hundreds of thousands of years. The
    most we can hope for before 2050 might be finding simple bacteria or a fish
    swimming under the ice on Europa or other moon.

  4. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    I haven’t heard very many humans that have two voices…I’m pretty sure
    this man *is* a space alien.

  5. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    Let’s look at the facts.
    – He’s a dying old man with nothing to lose, and nothing to gain. So, why
    the hell not spill the beans?
    – What he says is credible from both an information and psychological point
    of view.
    – The fact that this didn’t get picked up by the mainstream shows that it
    was suppressed by the powers that be. (That’s something a lot of you don’t
    realise. The reason we don’t hear a lot of stuff on the mainstream news is
    because it’s controlled by governmental powers. Freedom of press is a bit
    of an illusion)
    – UFO’s are perfectly logical and evident if you’re not naive enough to
    dismiss every little thing. Yes, a lot of it is bollocks, fake and so
    forth, but a lot of it is genuine as well.

    Don’t believe modern physicists, it’s as restricted and delusional as
    religion these days. Saying space travel isn’t possible is naive as saying
    we would never be able to travel by air, or never be able to reach the
    depths of the oceans.

  6. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    Honestly, I don’t really know why they keep aliens hidden from us. Would it
    really be that bad for us to know? What harm could knowing about aliens
    bring to us? I like to believe that most people by the age of…14-16? Have
    some sort of belief in aliens. I mean come on, do people really think that
    we are the only beings in this entire universe? Is it really hard to
    believe that there are other beings out there that are more technologically
    advance? I just find the whole keeping aliens a secret thing to be a waste
    of time and money. Just come out, say it, and be done with it.

  7. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    if this guy really knew what he was talking about he would of been a lot
    lot more specific, he hardly goes into proper detail about anything! it
    seems so scripted to me but thats just my opinion. 

  8. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    this guy sounds like an alien himself

  9. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    i feel really bad for him, is he still alive today?

  10. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    Is there is anything to collaborate this mans story? I’d be interested to
    see if are any documents to support his story. It would certainly lend to
    the credibility.

  11. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    An Alien invasion could have already happened maybe it got erased from our

  12. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    Aliens are not here to harm us there here to warn us that some day the
    world is going to end and the government have bigger weapons then the
    military how do you think the government has those weapons they got it from

  13. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink


  14. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    A dying CIA Agent who’s on his deathbed goes on camera to discuss his
    ‘apparent’ alien encounter at area 51, why should anyone believe him?

    You have to ask the obvious question, ‘what makes his claims valid?’. Does
    the fact that he’s dying somehow make his claim more credible or even valid
    to begin with, and if so, where’s the evidence to support it?

    I cannot not believe in unsubstantiated claims without the sufficient
    evidence to support them, people make claims about all types of things e.g.
    supernatural claims, Pixies, the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, Unicorns,
    Goblins, Angels, Demons….Gods, need I say more!

    In order to accurately understand reality you have to be able to
    objectively describe and verify reality, without emotional or cultural
    bias. I don’t doubt there may be life somewhere out there in the universe,
    given the fact there are over 100 billion detectable galaxies. The task is
    to prove definitively that life exists outside of our planet, that’s an
    entirely different ballgame and one that has to be proven objectively
    before it’s to be accepted as fact.

  15. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    Whether or not you believe this individual’s testimony is one thing, but
    you’d have to be a complete imbecile to entirely dismiss the idea that
    other intelligent life may exist. There are well over a hundred billion
    galaxies in the universe. Our galaxy, alone, contains over a hundred
    billion stars and even more planets, so to think that some planet may have
    fallen into a comparable situation to earth only makes sense, unless you
    are just so ignorant as to believe that the universe revolves around
    humanity. We are but ants on a rock tumbling through the unknown. We are

  16. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    After reading some of these comments, I realized there are a lot if dumb,
    crazy and stupid people in the world. Aliens are demons? Really ?!?!?!?!
    Seriously?!?!?!!!!! Wow.

  17. Anonymous says:
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    If aliens had technology capable of intergalactic travel, they’d have
    presented themselves and quickly conquered our planet with swift efficiency
    years ago. What’s to lose? Why the secrecy? Wherever life exists outside
    the Milky Way, it’s either bacterial or extremely, extremely primitive.