Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain talks to the Journal Sentinel editorial board about the Obama administration’s handling of Libya.
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain talks to the Journal Sentinel editorial board about the Obama administration’s handling of Libya.
There’s more to getting the job of presidency than just his resume of held positions… including how he performs under an interview. I’d like someone with a little better grasp of foreign policy. Most can see he doesn’t have a clue and that there are better options among the other candidates.
@smdho You’re right. There is a lot more to it: Communication skills, knowing how to deal with people, making compromises where it’s appropriate, doing what’s best and not necessarily most popular, etc… all of those things are very important in a leader and also fall under the common sense category. Street smarts over book smarts, which is what I think Cain has.
I hate these reporters, they CHANGE his WORDS!
@truthtify321 Just like Ron Paul would do a far better job than Cain
It’s not rocket science, Libya has been front page news for the last 6 months, and Obama has made plenty of public statements about his position on the Libya conflict. Cain should have had his staff do some basic research on foreign policy topics, or maybe he should just watch something other than Fox News once in a while. Of course, he could have just went with “I don’t have enough information to answer that question” instead of opening his mouth before thinking, like most GOP politicians do
@capitalismforme Nobody is asking for him to have knowledge of or disclose sensitive CIA or governmental information. What they ask him is does he agree with Obama’s public approach to the Libyan situation, which available for everyone to see if you read a newspaper or watch the news. He clearly wasn’t confident on Obama’s position as demonstrated by the fact that he falters from the 20 to 40 second mark and badly disguises his ignorance through his many quesitons searching for some help.
@truthtify321 Cain doesn’t need privileged information to determine whether he agrees or disagrees with Obama’s position on Libya. Obama had made plenty of public statements on record with regard to Libya, plus the actions of NATO in Libya are not exactly state secrets, since every new outlet in the world had covered the Libyan conflict for the last 6 months. Let’s face it, Cain didn’t prepare for this question, and when he answered, he sounded like Sarah Palin at the Katie Couric interview
Great example of the majority of republicans AND democrats. Focus is being made on one man to distract off of the main runners. Everyone knows this man will not be voted to presidency. HOWEVER…This will be used by the MSM to make this man a circus show. Even though he may be a circus show in real life, it still draws attention away from those who need it the most at this time. STOP the apathy of news today.
@capitalismforme if you choose not to acknowledge this fact then thats up to you. To be fair its human nature to want to blindly defend someone you are so emotionally invested in, we are all guilty of it. It still doesn’t dispell the fact that you are choosing to ignore Herman Cain’s major shortcomings as a presidential candidate. But i do not wish to get into a long winded debate online. Good day to you.
With all due respect to those supporters of Herman Cain it is grossly apparent from past debates, interviews, and questions that Mr. Cain is highly inept in his knowledge of foreign affairs, and policies. In this interview I doubt very much that he even knew the name of the opposition forces, nor even aware of UNSC resolution 1970, or Interpol arrest warrents issued for Qaddafi for crimes against humanity from International Crimminal Court investigations. Obama acted to end civilian massacures.
you can bet if it was Perry this would be on tv all day n night
@WlNDMlLL Young man, I have an MBA in economics from Columbia University. You couldn’t spit shine my shoes in the intelligence game.
If Herman Cain brushed up on foreign affairs more, would all of these people opposed to him, begin supporting him? Everyone’s gotta admit that foreign affairs are not a priority for America right now… I think we gotta focus on ourselves for a while. We need to get back on the right track and make the economy strong again first. That is numero uno for the time being.